Leer en linea Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Third Edition de Michael Lynch Libro PDF, ePub, Mobile, Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Third Edition Torrent
Descripción - Reseña del editor Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: A-levelSubject: HistoryFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016Give your students the best chance of success with this tried and tested series' combination of in-depth analysis, engaging narrative and accessibility. Access to History is the most popular, trusted and wide-ranging series for A-level History students. Each title:- Supports the content and assessment requirements of the 2015 A-level History specifications- Contains authoritative and engaging content- Includes thought-provoking key debates that examine the opposing views and approaches of historians- Provides exam-style questions and guidance for each relevant specification to help students understand how to apply what they have learntThis title is suitable for a variety of courses including:- AQA: The Transformation of China, 1937-1997- Edexcel: Mao's China, 1949-76 Biografía del autor Michael Lynch is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. His research interests are in modern European and Chinese history and he has authored and edited several titles in the Access to History series.
: Mao's China 1936-97 (Access to History ~ We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. . Mao's China 1936-97 (Access to History) Paperback – Illustrated, February 27, 2015 by . Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Fourth Edition Michael Lynch. Paperback. $26.05. Next.
Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Third Edition ~ Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Third Edition View larger image. By: Michael Lynch. Synopsis Give your students the best chance of success with this tried and tested series' combination of in-depth analysis, engaging narrative and accessibility. Access to History is the most popular, .
SALE: Access to History: Mao's China 1936-97 Third Edition ~ Supports the content and assessment requirements of the 2015 A-level History specifications - Contains authoritative and engaging content - Includes thought-provoking key debates that examine the opposing views and approaches of historians - Provides exam-style questions and guidance for each relevant specification to help students understand how to apply what they have learnt This title is .
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