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Descripción - Reseña del editor The million fish, or guppy, and a nice creature, is a species of fish with many facets, are suitable for neophytes who approach the aquarist world, is a fish that gives us every 28 days of emotions.
GUPPY THE FISH MILLION: the guppy family (Basic garden ~ GUPPY THE FISH MILLION: the guppy family (Basic garden) [DAVIDE DIANA] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The million fish, or guppy, and a nice creature, is a species of fish with many facets, are suitable for neophytes who approach the aquarist world
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guppy fish breeding / Guppy fish, Fish breeding, Guppy ~ Dec 19, 2015 - Since guppy fish are live bearers these are relatively easy for breeding as compared to egg layers fishes. For breeding you will need a healthy pair of guppy fish. If you are using one male per female then there may be chances that male will stress out females for breeding attempt. So in this case provide lots of hidin…
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Goldfish - Wikipedia ~ The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes.It is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.. A relatively small member of the carp family (which also includes the Prussian carp and the crucian carp), the goldfish is native to East Asia.It was first selectively bred in ancient China more than 1,000 years ago, and several distinct .
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