Lee un libro Humanity's Protectors: An Influence Series Origin Novella (English Edition) de David R. Bernstein libros ebooks, Humanity's Protectors: An Influence Series Origin Novella (English Edition) Libro pdf gratis
Descripción - "Wow! This starts off intense and never lets up. I read this in one sitting..." ★★★★★Where will you stand at humanity's end?The corporate abuse of youth with the special ability to manipulate reality is at its apex. A revolution to regain society has emerged and sixteen-year-old Leeyah is thrust in the middle of the war against the corporate controlled police.Will a growing ability put her life at risk?Immerse yourself in the universe of the Influence series with this origin novella. Discover the beginning of the Influence phenomenon.
Humanity's Protectors (Influence, #1.5) by David R. Bernstein ~ This was my introduction to the Influence series and it has me curious. This was a good short story that left me interested in reading the series. I really liked Leeyah and wished this was a full novel. I noticed that the first book begins 30 years after this novella, but I hope that the series references or brings these characters into it.
Humanity's Protectors: An Influence Series Origin Novella ~ The short novella "Humanitys Protectors" takes you 30 years back from the "Influence" story, and this time is Leeyah the character who is narrating her present. She is as well an Influencer, but she works for the corrupted government (she doesn't know that though).
Humanity's Protectors (Audiobook) by David R. Bernstein ~ Written by David R. Bernstein, Audiobook narrated by Rachel F. Hirsch. Sign-in to download and listen to this audiobook today! First time visiting Audible? Get this book free when you sign up for a 30-day Trial.
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