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Descripción - Ethan Tanner is an out and proud, fastidious, and fashionable sixteen-year-old vegetarian who likes theater and musicals. This year, it’s his sister's turn to pick the vacation destination, so he ends up on a dude ranch he knows he is going to hate. What with the dirt, animals, and germs, he can’t possibly be happy.Jason McCoy is the closeted sixteen-year-old son of the ranch owners and is trying to find his place in a world that doesn't seem to fit him. He takes an interest in Ethan, shows him around, and gets him to ride a horse. When he invites Ethan camping, Ethan thinks Jason must be joking. But Ethan takes a risk, and the two boys bond under the stars.After that, Ethan and Jason are inseparable. Their friendship grows into something deeper as they begin to figure out what they want from life. But Ethan’s home is in Chicago, and the distance might be more than the two teenagers—and their blossoming relationship—can withstand.
Under Stars (Bonus Tracks Edition) de Lonely Robot en ~ UNDER STARS est tout de même un poil en dessous de ses deux premiers volets, même si il reste très accrocheur dans sa globalité. Plusieurs raisons à cela. Ce qui saute immédiatement aux oreilles, c'est cet aspect beaucoup plus éthéré et posé, et donc, par conséquent, beaucoup moins fougueux qu'on n'aurait pu se l'imaginer.
The Underworld (Fallen Star Book 2) (English Edition ~ The Underworld is the sequel to The Fallen Star. Gemma thought her mind was gone, but she was wrong. And now she is left trying to figure out the truth to what Stephan is planning to do with her and the star, before it’s too late. But finding out the truth is hard, especially since Gemma doesn’t know who she can trust.
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